Press Reviews
Professional Social Work
Quite simply, this book focuses on what the title suggests, and deliveres for the reader. It is light-hearted, funny, useful and "on the money" in terms of what professionals in social and health care are often faced with in our respective work settings... Despite being a compact 140 pages in length, in my opinion it over-performs in all areas... A great little book, buy it and use it for training. I intend to.
Euro Vista: Probation & Community Justice Journal
It provides useful points of critical reflection and exercises for the reader to question how they think and feel about issues. The years of experience of the author gleam through the wisdom within her writing.
Nursing Standard, Cathe Gaskell, Managing Director, The Result Company
This easy-to-read text from retired social worker Maggie Kindred is a guide to essential communication with reluctant patients. It is relevant to nurses and nursing students, and is a useful starting point for mental health practitioners and those thinking of pursuing a career in mental health. The language and concepts are explained simply and clearly, and Kindred's language is non-judgemental and accepting in tone. Each of the book's 15 chapters has a summary outlining key learning points. It provides practical tips on personal boundaries and reading body language signals when working with complex patients. Situational risks for junior practitioners are explored, with examples of dilemmas such as accepting gifts.
Caring Times, John Burton
Maggie Kindred has a lovely way of inviting the reader (perhaps reluctant?) to look at things from different angles and of allowing one to think things through... apparently in some sort of discussion with her.
Martin Calder, Calder Training and Consultancy, UK
This book"steps outside the mainstream and in so doing offers us nuggets of informed practice wisdom". It has an excellent chapter on non-verbal communication that should be essential reading for all staff as it reminds us of the process as well as the spoken word. Another strength is the use of practical examples that can be used for training as well as personal development work including supervision.
Chris Trotter, Associate Professor in Social Work, Monash University, Australia, and author of 'Working with Involuntary Clients: A Guide to Practice'.
This practical and very readable guide will be of great use to all those working with reluctant clients in health and social care. It covers a broad range of issues and offers sound advice which can easily be put into practice. I highly recommend it.