Press Reviews
Alex Lowery Speaks About Autism blog
The honest open approach to the difficultiesof Asperger syndrome is refreshing and there is a lot of good advice in this book that covers topics such as anxiety and relationships, employment, shame. Therapies that are available are covered in detail such as CBT and psychotherapy.
Library Journal
Dubin's (Asperger Syndrome and Bullying) valuable guide acknowledges the anxiety inherent in Asperger syndrome. The suggested therapies and tone of self-acceptance make it valuable for people with AS, as well as their loved ones and mental health professionals... Dubin discusses how anxiety affects relationships and employment and suggests such adaptive techniques as cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and psychotherapy.
Journal of Autism Developmental Disorder
In this short but informative guide for adults with Asperger syndrome (AS), Nick Dubin draws from sources as varied as cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness, Judaism, Jungian psychology, and perhaps most intriguingly, his own experiences a a person with AS. Using these sources combined with his unique perspective, he teaches adults with AS specific strategies for dealing with their daily anxiety... Dubin writes in an easy-to-read conversational style, unafraid of using personal examples to illustrate his points. One could imagine that a book so based on personal experience would apply only to a small subset of individuals who have had the exact same set of experiences or a personality similar to the author. However, Dubin is careful to relate his thoughts and experiences to general concepts, and it is likely that his psychological training has given him a a broader perspective. With this combination of experience and training, he succeeds at providing the reader with supportive understanding without coddling... Dubin's book is not idealistic - he is careful to frequently discuss limits and issues widely shared by people with AS and the effects that these can have on the prevalence of anxiety in daily life. Ultimately, his message is one of encouragement and empowerment.
Aspergers United
I think this is a very good book - I'm going to stick my neck out and say that I think it will still be seen as one of the best books on AS an anxiety in ten years time, despite the rapid progress in the field.
Michael John Carley, Executive Director of The Global and Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership (GRASP) and author of Asperger's From the Inside Out
Nick Dubin is still in his early 30s. But by the time he reaches 50, he may very well have written a book on every psychological byproduct of life lived in the behavioral minority. 'Asperger's and Anxiety' is another great contribution towards our understanding all that the autism spectrum presents us.
Jenny Ravenhill, National Austistic Society
Nick Dubin is an excellent writer who wears his learning lightly. I highly recommend this book for all those touched by Asperger syndrome.
William Stillman, author of Autism and the God Connection and Demystifying the Autistic Experience
Nick Dubin's latest book is a remarkable and keenly insightful work from a brilliant and emerging leader in the autism self-advocacy community. Dubin's astute, insider's comprehension of Asperger's, coupled with his deft ability to convey such in prose, hits every note with spot-on clarity. His perspectives on spirituality are especially valuable.
Robert A. Naseef, Ph.D., author of Special Children, Challenged Parents and co-editor of Voices from the Spectrum
Nick Dubin has walked the walk growing to adulthood with Asperger's Syndrome. Now as a professional, he talks the talk in this landmark contribution. This is the first book to focus exclusively on Asperger's and anxiety. With keen intelligence, clarity, and insight, Nick applies evidence- based treatments and self-help strategies for individuals living with Asperger's.
William Stillman, author of Autism and the God Connection and Demystifying the Autistic Experience
A remarkable and keenly insightful work from a brilliant and emerging leader in the autism self-advocacy community.
Stephen M. Shore, Professor of Special Education, Adelphi University and co-author of Choosing Home: Deciding to Homeschool with Asperger's Syndrome
As with the last book, this invaluable resource is chock full of practical solutions for identifying, reckoning with, and resolving the many sources of anxiety plaguing people with Asperger Syndrome. As a stalwart, trusty guide, Nick brings us to greater understanding of ourselves and towards being a better human being. A must read for anyone with Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism or persons supporting those on the autism spectrum.
The Teacher
This is an incisively written presentation for people with Asperger syndrome (AS), their families and professionals, written by someone with AS.