Press Reviews
Asperger United
I found several of the stories relevant to my own life and helpful in my understanding both of myself and of the situations - reading someone else's story gives you that bit of objectivity and so allows you to see the overall perspective more clearly. Well worth a read if you find such stories useful.
I found this book hard to put down and in fact read it in one sitting, only pausing to replenish my tea mug... I enjoyed every account and found many to be both painful, informative and sometimes seriously funny with an enormous amount of self-deprecating humour and exceptional awareness of their own differences...This book is a gem and has much to teach us all however experienced we might feel ourselves to be, in an easy to assimilate format. All the accounts are well-written and all have a purpose. Buy it, enjoy and pass it on, particularly to mental health professionals.
Dr. Wendy Lawson
At last a book that honestly declares the reality of a population's Mental Health status. It will only be as we take the named issues seriously and act upon these that our mental health outcome for all involved, especially those with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC), has an opportunity for prevention rather than cure. Certain environments can be conducive to health, others not so. As professionals we dare not miss the messages contained within this book. To do so would be detrimental to the future of humankind.
Tony Attwood, author of The Complete Guide to Asperger Syndrome
People who have Asperger's syndrome are at greater risk than the general population of developing a mental health problem. At last the story can be told of how life experiences, and especially being bullied, misunderstood and feeling lonely, can cause mental health problems for children and adults who have Asperger's syndrome. This book is essential reading for all staff employed in psychiatric services. Ignorance of Asperger's syndrome is no longer a valid excuse.
BFK Books
I found this book hard to put down and in fact read it in one sitting, only pausing to replenish my tea mug... I enjoy every account and found many to be both painful, informative and sometimes seriously funny with an enormous amount of self-deprecating humour and exceptional awareness of their own differences. Many of the contributors offered their own solutions, either revealed as part of their story or laid out in bullet points. The accounts are well written, each with their own style and character, all having needlessly suffered through the ignorance of those around them. A recurring theme is that trying to make someone on the spectrum into a neuro-typical person is harmful and damaging... It is an interesting read in its own right simply as a human interest book but is a must for anyone dealing with Aspergers professionally or personally, particularly mental health professionals. Anyone on the spectrum would probably relate to most of the accounts and feel comforted to hear their own experiences mirrored, particularly those with anxiety and depression. I also feel that it has much to offer all professionals who work with or may encounter those on the spectrum, helping them to understand why someone may react in a particular way. This book is a gem and has much to teach us all however experienced we might feel ourselves to be, in an easy to assimilate format. All the accounts are well-written and all have a purpose. Buy it, enjoy it and pass it on, particularly to mental health professionals.