Press Reviews
Social Work Education
The book is accessible, and is thought provoking concerning the future of care provision for older people and the nature of the linkage between health and social care... It is of relevance to multi disciplinary and international audiences and contains much that will be of interest and use to students and educators as well as practitioners.
Katherine Hill, Psychiatric Services for the Elderly,
A series of thought provoking essays by authors from diverse disciplines introduce the reader to theoretical frameworks and appraisal of current evidence. This is liberally doused with sensitive reflection of the experience, recent research by the authors and the comments of older people bringing the issues to life. This book could easily be compulsory reading for anyone involved in the care of older people… This book is for anyone seeking to understand more and to be open to thinking differently about older people and the services they receive.
Journal of Interprofessional Care
This book is a valuable text for academics, researchers, those belonging to the "caring professions", and those involved in aged care policy development. The outstanding contribution of the editors has been to provide a wide-ranging selection of readings that are bound to stimulate further debate.
International Journal Of Geriatric Psychiatry
`This is not a standard text on services for the elderly but rather looks at both ageing and issues affecting older people and the application of this to improving quality of life of older people. A series of thought provoking essays by authors from diverse disciplines introduce the reader to theoretical frameworks and appraisal of current evidence. This is liberally doused with sensitive refection of their experience, recent research by the authors and the comments of older people bringing the issues to life. It is hard to conceive of anyone not getting something from each essay... In reality this book is for anyone seeking to understand more and to be open to thinking differently about older people and the services they receive.'
Journal of Community Nursing
This books serves as a useful digest of the theories and practicalities of care service for later life and, as noted, gives voice to the views of older people and their carers but whether this will encourage readers to add it to their collection remains to be seen.
Journal of Social Work
Quis custodiet custodies? is perhaps an oft-quoted phrase, but one which is illuminated by the selection of papers chosen for this volume. This book addresses the changing needs of care services at many levels... The chapters include a multi-disciplinary perspective, but also recognize other contemporary trends of fragmentation and complexity, of the development of specific services and of wider structural influences.
Doody's Notes
The essays in this book are thought-provoking, and would engender much discussion in a graduate seminar... They are well documented, and written in a scholarly, yet reader-friendly way. The international flavor provides the reader with a global perspective on issues in social gerontology, and with rich ideas to consider.