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Critical Supervision for the Human Services

A Social Model to Promote Learning and Value-Based Practice
  • Authors
    • Lou Johnston
    • Carolyn Noble
    • Mel Gray
Regular price £30.99
Regular price Sale price £30.99
Practitioners in the helping professions today operate in challenging settings where budgets have been cut dramatically, and progression and success are too often defined primarily by key performance indicators and strategic outcomes. Tensions arise when such pressures conflict with helping professionals' core responsibilities to provide excellent care, advocate for patients or service users and to seek social justice.

This book introduces a critical model for supervision which addresses not only the human relationships and interactions involved in work, but also the financial, political and managerial environment in which the work is carried out. It identifies how reflective practice alone is not enough to bring about transformational change, and outlines how practitioners can learn in and through supervision, drawing on ideas from critical pedagogy and organisational learning. Practice examples are included to demonstrate the use of this approach within contemporary human service environments.

Providing a new approach for effective supervision, this book will be of interest to practitioners, managers, researchers, academics and students working across the human services, including health care, social services and criminal justice.
  • Published: Apr 21 2016
  • Pages: 288
  • 228 x 152mm
  • ISBN: 9781849055895
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Press Reviews

  • Kieran O’Donoghue PhD, Associate Professor, School of Social Work, Massey University, New Zealand

    Critical Supervision in the Human Services is a timely book which emphasises how context and culture frames supervision and human service practice. The comprehensive critical approach detailed by the authors, synthesises critical theory and critical analysis, with critical pedagogy and transformative learning theory, in the pursuit of socially just supervision. This book clearly demonstrates how and why supervision is the signature pedagogy within the human services and makes an outstanding and important contribution to 21st Century supervision theory and practice. It is a must read for students, human service practitioners, supervisors and managers.
  • Liz Beddoe, School of Counselling, Human Services and Social Work, University of Auckland

    Critical Supervision in the Human Services is a book we have been waiting for and will be a popular addition to the library of supervisors, educators, and supervision researchers and scholars. This book explores critical perspectives on the role of supervision in human services in the global, organisational and professional domains. Noble, Gray and Johnston deftly apply the critical pedagogies of transformational learning and critical reflection in an enriching exploration of how excellent supervision can promote social justice.