Press Reviews
Anthony Smythe, managing director, BeatBullying
Children & Young People NowE-safety for the i-generation. provide a very useful reference point and resource... The book seems broadly pitched at a KS2 audience, but could also be useful for some KS3 students. It is informative... Education in school is an important element of promoting safe use of the internet by parents have an integral role to play in developing their children's own sense of responsibility... everyone involved with children's and young people's use of the internet - parents, schools, service providers, organisations and children themselves - needs to share responsibility for online safety.
Child Abuse Review
This book, although written primarily for use in schools, is a worthwhile addition to the bookshelf of any professional with a responsibility for child protection... The structure of this book makes it compulsive reading for anyone who wants to protect children from abuse and exploitation via the internet. It provides a framework for teachers addressing these issues with children and young people in schools. The book contains excellent resources for teachers... the worksheet pages are copyright-free makes this an invaluable resource for busy professionals. For parents, this book could prove a useful reference text...The chapter on safety at home is informative and provides helpful links to additional online resources.
Dr Flannan Geaney, Chartered Educational Psychologist in Private Practice, Waterford, Ireland.
Debate - British Psychological SocietyThis book is very well presented and written in clear unambiguous language. It is easy to read, interesting, informative, practical, and engaging...incidents.The book outlines the benefits, and risks of social media (Facebook; Internet Messaging; Online Chat Rooms; and Gaming Devices with Internet access) very clearly... the book containvery well structured curriculum activities... They have been exceptionally well thought out and include the core principles of learning such as teaching, modelling, role-play, practice and feedback. Having spent many years organising and facilitating group work with students in schools, I feel that the workshops presented in this book are interesting, engaging and would promote active participation by young people... This book could be a valuable resource to the educational psychologist in supporting students, teachers, parents, and schools, around the area of E-Safety. It certainly meets the aim it set out to achieve.