Hearing the Voice of People with Dementia

Opportunities and Obstacles
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Written for all those concerned with providing services for people with dementia and their families, this book explores the idea that communication is not only possible but also vital to the understanding and the development of services. Based on a series of interviews with sufferers and professionals working in the field, on an extensive literature search, and on a consultative document which was sent out to over a thousand people, Hearing the Voice of People with Dementia discusses ten key points:
· the possibility of communication;
· the disempowering experience of dementia;
· the different ways in which people are affected;
· the need to respect peoples' sense of sense of time and place;
· the importance of knowing a person's `life story';
· the effect of environmental and other factors on the process of communication;
· the non-verbal ways in which people with dementia communicate;
· the means of communicating through `challenging behaviour';
· possibilities of group work;
· the value or harm of sharing a diagnosis.
Practical advice and suggestions based on the research into these key areas are offered to help professionals gain a greater understanding of dementia and develop skills which aid communication.
  • Published: Jun 01 1996
  • Pages: 192
  • 233 x 155mm
  • ISBN: 9781853024061
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Press Reviews

  • Counselling

    This comprehensive, clear and compassionate book should be on the shelves of all counsellors and tutors... His welcome stress on the unique nature of each person permeates the book.
  • The Health Service Journal

    Informative and revealing a challenging and at times very moving book.
  • International Psydrogeriatrics

    This is a fascinating book written as a result of some in-depth qualitative research and a process of consultation with in the United Kingdom. The literature has been reviewed extensively and the author of the book applies his interpretation sensitively and analytically. His wide use of the literature from both the sciences and the humanities and the analysis of responses from a small group of those involved in caring for persons with dementia. Written largely from a social perspective and of much use to social workers employed in the field of aged care, the book raises a number of interesting issues and poses an even larger number of intriguing questions that have yet to be pursued more fully. Suggestions are made throughout the book about how human service professionals an enter into the world of a person with dementia. Quoting from a wide range of sources, both primarily and from the literature, this discussion is sensitive and thoughtful and raises a number of issues particularly for health professionals. This book is written primarily for a general readership, but will be of much use to social workers, nurses, medical practitioners, and those with dementia and their families. It is a useful book for the reference library in all healthcare institutions and social services offices.
  • British Journal of Social Work

    This book focuses on the service response to older people with care needs and is a useful and accessible text that practitioners and trainers may wish to read themselves and recommend. The book is a mine of useful comments and observation and could stand as a model of how to translate research findings (the origin of his work) into a relevant practitioner text. I would not be surprised moreover if some families with relatives with dementia did not find this a most moving and helpful text. Goldsmith's work builds on practitioners' experiences to inform those working now or in the future about the possibilities for major advances in listening to the voice of people who have been stereotyped as beyond dialogue and discussion.
  • Nursing Times

    The reader is given a wide range of perspectives on how to communicate with people with dementia... this is an easy read and raises the reader's awareness about what it must be like to experience dementia. I feel this book would be very useful for people who want to know more about dementia and communication.