Press Reviews
Centre 404, Islington
This is the perfect introduction to the world of Aspies, told from their own perspective, for the people in their lives: including family, friends, and classmates. Those with Asperger's Syndrome will also appreciate this book for the way it shares their own singular perspectives on life.
Books from our backyard, Queensland Writers Centre, Australia
Through engaging text and full-colour photographs, this book shows neurotypical how Aspies see and experience the world. This is the perfect introduction to the world of Asperger's, told from their own perspective, for the people in their lives: including family, friends, and classmates.
A Female Reviews Blogspot blog
Simplicity is key for me and I think that is why I love this book so much. The words that Kathy Hoopmann uses are not condescending or derogatory, but respectful and trying to get NT's (neuro-typical people) to understand how and why we live our lives the way we do. The words on each page are fact - as seen in diagnostic manuals, but are put into more friendly terms... Inside Asperger's is a must read book for those with AS, parents and people who work with AS patients.
Virginia Child Protection Newsletter
This bright and positive book is written with the emphasis that being different is a great way to be. The book addresses the many differing characteristics, struggles, and strengths of people with Asperger's. The text provides the reader with the opportunity to adopt and better understand the perspective of children with Asperger's. It could be a useful resource for people with Asperger's as well as for people living with and working with this population. The goal of acceptance as well as understanding is demonstrated by easy-to-read and entertaining text and pictorial illustrations.
The SL (School Librarian)
This book should not only appear in those classes which have Aspies (their own preferred term) among their number because it is an invaluable book fo all KS2 teachers and children to share.
Kathy has worked with children with Asperger syndrome for many years and her books explain, through the use of engaging photographs, the world as it may appear to those with different learning and social traits.
The Teacher
By the author of All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome and All Dogs Have ADHD, this engaging book, told with little text and comic animal photographs, nevertheless imparts quite complex information on what makes a child with Asperger's syndrome tick. A great way to help children understand it.
Kids Book Review
Even though I have several friends with children with Asperger's, I found this book gave me a fresh insight into the challenges faced by Aspies and their families. I think it is a perfect book to have on hand in both the home and school environments to help explain common Asperger's traits such as hypersensitivity to sounds and visual stimuli and difficulty interpreting facial cues and body language. I particularly liked the focus on highlighting the positives of the Asperger's experience, encouraging readers to consider Aspies as simply viewing life in a different way but still sharing the same hopes, dreams and needs as anyone else... I would highly recommend this book as a very helpful resource for schools, daycare centres, preschools and for families with children with Asperger's to help friends and family gain insight and understanding into this condition.
Tony Attwood, Minds & Hearts Clinic, Brisbane, Australia, and author of The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome
In a few words the text on each page succinctly explains what it is like to have Asperger's syndrome and the illustrations will engage and delight children, parents and those who have Asperger's syndrome. However, I think this book should come with a government health warning - you may laugh until you hurt!
Susan J. Moreno, CEO and Founder of MAAP Services for Autism and Asperger Syndrome
This book is a visual feast of information on Asperger syndrome and the autism spectrum. Simple, yet complex information is shared with a genius for visual expression. I recommend this lovely book to all who wish to better understand individuals on the Asperger-autism spectrum. Kathy Hoopmann scores another home run!
Dr Wendy Lawson, author of Life Behind Glass: A Personal Account of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Most of us see the world from the point of 'what will others think', and we adjust our view accordingly. Kathy helps us take another, much more honest look, as she exposes the black and white but very colourful world of the Aspie. This book shows that being different is the most normal way to be. That being one's self is an adventure not to be missed. This is a book we should all read and have and celebrate.
John Elder Robison, author of Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's
Inside Asperger's Looking Out is a wonderful, whimsical portrait of Asperger's told with pictures and animals that anyone - young or old - can love. It is destined to be a classic, just like Kathy's earlier book, All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome.