Press Reviews
Brenda Smith Myles, University of Kansas, USA
Dr. Winnie Dunn has solved one of the great mysteries of life -- the sensory puzzle! This amazing book helps everyone understand their sensory system and thereby improves quality of life. This book is essential for anyone who wants to understand themselves and their family, friends, and community.
Mary Law, Professor and Associate Dean of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada
Life is full of different sensations - we cannot escape them so why not delight in our daily sensory experiences! Using up to date research information, Winnie Dunn leads the reader through a personal discovery process about their sensory experiences. Through practical examples, you will learn how to live each day to match your activities with your sensory needs. The result can be educational, fun and fulfilling!
Advance for Occupational Therapy Practitioners
Absorbing, not just reading, Living Sensationally makes one think of improvements in one's life and in one's relationship to others. Dunn covers areas of life from what one eats to how the home is arranged...Have a great time with this book, sharing its insights for yourself and others. I did!
Excellent introduction to sensory processing...The book is very readable and accessible. It allows people to examise their own reaction to sensation and offers practical suggestion as to how to adjust their environment or routines to be compatiable with their sensory type.
Spring Science+Business Media
Whether the reader is an experienced practitioner, a caregiver of someone with sensory issues or just an average individual who happens to cut all the tags out of her shirts, this book speaks in entertaining and enlightening ways. One final thought: Dr. Dunn divulges her sensory pattern as "seeker" and her lovely photo with striking colors leads us to agree.
Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders
Dr Dunn nicely frames sensory issues in the context of what we all experience regardless of ability or disability
British Journal of Occupational Therapy
It explains how our individual behaviours in every day life can be related to the way we respond to sensory experiences. Dunn begins by giving the tools to understand sensory patterns; encouraging the reader to relate the information to themselves, their friends, family and colleagues. The sensory pattern questionnaire enables the reader to identify which sensory pattern most applies to them, be it seeker, avoider, sensor or bystander... Throughout the book, practical tips for sensational living are provided about how to adjust living situations to meet everyone's sensory needs to create a more harmonious living, working and leisure space. An easy read for those who want to increase their understanding of themselves and others through the senses.