Press Reviews
;Jacqui has much to share with her readers, and there is plenty that is familiar, and lots of good, common sense advice. It is a book that parents of children with ASD will feel comfortable with, as it is not written by a "professional", but someone who lives the life, with its up and downs.'
Infant & Child Development
Jacqui Jackson is the inspirational parent of seven children, including four boys, together combining autism, Asperger Syndrome, AD/HD, dyspraxia and dyslexia. I feel sure that there will be something for everyone somewhere in this book. An eclectic book, just as you would expect, jumping from anecdote, to thoughts about the causes of autism, to advice about how to manage a trip to Disneyland, But compelling reading nevertheless.
Young Minds Magazine
Multicoloured Mayhem is also a very well researched book. You will find comprehensive yet easy to understand definitions of most neuro-developmental difficulties as well as short descriptions of various remedial methods. It lists diagnostic criterias and useful websites, recommended reading and well-informed advice.
Human Givens Journal
Ostensibly written to give advice about how to approach professionals, find relevant forms of help, and understand and cope with the differing needs of children with AS, what [Jacqui] also conveys is optimism and joy. The book is packed with helpful advice, although it also works as the readable story of an unusual and interesting family.
Care & Health Magazine
Social care staff, and those working in child and adolescent mental health services should find this insightful account of different children, the family, and parenting issues of great value. In the course of what is often a genuinely funny publication, she manages to cover in some depth issues around diagnosis, educational matters, therapies and interventions, health and safety and risk, sibling issues, and changes from childhood to adolescence. Extremely valuable.
Joan O'Rafferty, Occupational Therapist
The writing style is lively and humorous and the author manages to be informative though not prescriptive. This book provides reassurance and practical support for parents who have children with the above needs. However, it also has relevance to those involved in therapeutic and educational settings as it provides a complete description of everyday life with all the riches and difficulties involved.