Press Reviews
Dr Karen Harrison Dening, Head of Research & Publications, Dementia UK
Namaste Care seeks to engage people with advanced dementia through sensory input, especially touch, and to enrich their quality of life and is becoming well established in the care home sector in the UK. This exciting book by Nicola Kendall offers a strong and passionate template for how Namaste can be delivered to people with advanced dementia living in their own home by engaging volunteers and family members in its delivery. This book not only details their experiences and the compassion that has been a driver for the service but is also one that helps the reader to deliver Namaste Care themselves. This is a book I would recommend for family carers as well as services who wish to embrace this sensitive and innovative care approach.
Jackie Pool, Director of Memory Care, Sunrise Senior Living UK
This informative and thought-provoking book is packed with helpful guidance in supporting people to live well with advanced dementia. It is a must read for those who are working in care services and for those who are caring for individuals at home.
Colette O’Driscoll, Namaste Care Manager, St Joseph’s Hospice
More than a practical guide, this is a brilliant resource on Namaste Care - well written, insightful, providing a wealth of information. I recommend it wholeheartedly to anyone interested in Namaste Care. A timely publication given the rise in dementia and the need to harness compassion in our communities.
Lourdes Colclough, Former Namaste Care Manager, St Joseph’s Hospice, now Macmillan Engagement Manager
At a time when funding in health and social care is drastically reduced and the numbers of people living longer with dementia are increasing, this is an informed and inspiring handbook on how to address some of these issues. Training and building resilient communities is the key to allaying the fears around communicating with people with dementia and supporting carers who have often fallen through the net of care. I know this approach works, through St Joseph's Hospice I set up the first Namaste Care Service in the UK which involved home visits - it's difficult, a balance of risk but one of the most rewarding projects I have worked on. If you are interested in setting up a similar service, this book will give you the impetus, confidence and insight and leave a lasting impact on you and your community.
Isabelle Latham, Senior Lecturer, Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester
A thorough and accessible guide. The subject is brought to life throughout with personal stories of how people living with advanced dementia can be supported to engage with the world and experience joy.
Danuta Lipinska, Specialist in Ageing & Dementia Care, Training Consultant, Counsellor, Supervisor, 'My Home Life' Action Learning Facilitator
Always deeply respectful, often poignant and at times humorous, it sparkles with joyful moments and celebrations of life. To quote the author, "Embrace this (book) with gentle curiosity and enjoy the ride." I, for one, would like to go round again.
Luke Tanner, Body psychotherapist & Dementia Care Trainer and Consultant
This book is full of hope, humility and insight. Contributors draw from a rich and diverse range of theory, research and professional experience to share the practical wisdom of namaste care.