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Care professionals constantly confront the problem of balancing the need to obtain optimal satisfaction of users' needs without regard for their means, with the concerns of managers and policy makers to measure and regulate costs. Drawing on current research, this book assesses the issues and problems arising as social work and services departments learn how to implement the new community care legislation.
It is based on the view that costing care must entail a synthesis of the different philosophies of care, entitlement and public accountability; this includes welfare professionals whose focus in on the needs of the client, managers and policy makers whose focus in on the public costs of welfare, and users and their families who have most to gain or lose.
Drawing on the experience of researchers, practitioners and managers, the book explores the development of policies for different types of service and support, and application of assessment tools. In particular, the problem of estimating costs and evaluating alternatives is examined. The practicalities of costing individual care packages for different client groups are critically examined, alongside the implications of devolved budgeting and fee charging.
Clearly show[s] how far there is to go in working out the cost of care services, and more importantly, in relating financial costs to the value of care, and the mandate of those who have the job of delivering it.
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities
This is an accessible and handy text, which I would recommend to managers and practitioners in community care wishing to gain further insights into care management systems and the ways cost management can be addressed within them... I intend keeping this book at the desk end of my bookcase.
The Health Service Journal
What the book demonstrates most clearly is "that implementing care management is a massive and complex undertaking surrounded by huge uncertainties". The gulf between policy and reality is also underlined... This book seeks not so much to offer ready-made solutions as to develop understanding of complex issues on the basis of research and practical experience.
Community Care
As well as a number of chapters on different aspects of care management, the contents focus on the independent sector, costs and budgets, and costing care needs; and the costs of informal care... this publication will be of value to professionals and managers.
Social Policy
Practitioners and researchers will find plenty of interest and use. Case studies such as Bannerman and Robertson's (on introducing community care to Tayside) are informative and stimulating.
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