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Promoting Inclusion and Diversity in Early Years Settings

A Professional Guide to Ethnicity, Religion, Culture and Language
  • Author
    • Chandrika Devarakonda
Regular price £17.99
Regular price Sale price £17.99
This guide provides insights, case studies and resources to enable anyone working in early years settings to identify and understand the individual needs of children from diverse backgrounds and the steps that can be taken to support and extend their learning.

Examining the impact of unconscious bias, blind spots and institutionalised discrimination that set some children at a disadvantage, this book raises awareness and provides strategies for professionals to proactively support those affected. It covers race and ethnicity, religion, culture, EAL and intersectionality and enables professionals to help children from diverse backgrounds to develop to the best of their potential.
  • Published: Nov 19 2020
  • Pages: 192
  • 216 x 138mm
  • ISBN: 9781785924231
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Press Reviews

  • Felicity Brooks

    Editorial Director, Usborne Publishing Ltd.
    The aim of the book is to help children understand and celebrate differences of every kind and to help all children to feel valued and respected, fulfilling a goal of the DfE's EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) that children 'know about the similarities and differences between themselves and others and among families, communities and traditions.' Chandrika's in-depth knowledge and passion for this subject is compelling and has proved to be invaluable. Dr Devarakonda's books: 'Promoting Inclusion and Diversity in Early Years Settings' and 'Diversity and Inclusion in Early Childhood' are exceptionally well-researched, clearly structured and written and, in my view, exemplary academic texts on the subject. They have both extended my knowledge and challenged my thinking and assumptions, especially in the key areas of institutionalised discrimination and unconscious bias and their potential impact on children from a very young age.