Press Reviews
metapsychology Online Reviews
the volume's contributors profusely shower a considerable swath of the research field of restraint of older people with the intellectually nourishing rain of informative discourse, discerning criticism, and a plethora of expert opinions and suggestions. The efforts of the contributors may help nurture further research investigation of this issue ridden field. The long list of persons who may learn much from this highly instructive volume includes: patient advocates, psychiatrists, neuropsychiatrists, geriatric psychiatrists, forensic psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, cognitive therapists, behavioral therapists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, nurses, psychiatric nurses, rehabilitation nurses, emergency room nurses, gerontologists, geriatric medicine specialists, long term care specialists, physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists, medicolegal specialists, hospice workers, nursing home personnel, hospital administrators, social workers, social scientists, sociologists, medical ethicists, philosophers, public health professionals, occupational therapists, physical therapists, vocational therapists, physiotherapists, recreation therapists, orthopedic surgeons, emergency room physicians, primary care physicians, pharmacists, pharmacologists, civil liberties lawyers, healthcare lawyers, criminal justice professionals, judges, health regulators, health policy makers, legislators, and risk managers.
The Midwest Book Review
Alternatives to restraint and new programs for reducing the use of restraint are described in chapters that outline all the issues involved in providing safe environments for elders. Very highly recommended!... It shows how a simple four-step method can be applied to the typical ADD/ADHD child to teach even the most disorganized, hyperactive child how to make their bed, get ready for school, and get organized. These step-by-step strategies offer routines that aren't boring and ARE positive, keyed to realistic demands and rules governed by fun and individualism.
Caring Times
There are still too many care homes where residents are not free to move around. They are "restrained" by door locks and key pads or by being belted into wheelchairs, or simply told to "sit down". Most of it arises because the culture of the home remains controlling and risk-averse. Rights, Risks and Restraint-Free Care will help managers and staff to think through the risks and ethics of restraint and find ways to free residents from the institutional bonds that make them prisoners in what is supposed to be their "home". There are some excellent case studies (many from other countries) which are ideally suited for use in training sessions.
Baroness Greengross
I hope this book will be widely read. It encourages us to question our motives if ever we are faced with difficult situations when caring for people to whom it is sometimes very difficult to relate, but people who nevertheless need our care and understanding at the most vulnerable period of their lives as they draw to a close.
Barbara Pointon, Ambassador for the Alzheimer's Society and for the charity 'for dementia'
This thought-provoking book challenges us all to re-examine our personal attitudes when caring for older people. At its heart lies a desire to improve relationships, quality of life and holistic well-being.