Press Reviews
Child & Adolescent Mental Health
This book is a useful resource for child mental health professionals, either to work through with children (perhaps selectively), to supervise parents or carers helping a child, or simply to pick up some useful tips to add to one's clinical toolkit.
As one who has spent time practising pleasant remarks to make while opening birthday presents with a child, to say nothing of the planning and effort needed to interpret the world to children with communication or social difficulties, I seized on this book. It contains lists, role-plays, questions and exercises on a huge range of skills - from improving a child's self-esteem to body language, to developing friendship to anger management. This book could help provide a firm anchor to help in the challenging task of developing social awareness in children with difficulties.
Jane Bestwood, counsellor of children and young people
A volume which is - quite literally - packed with ideas for those working (and living) with young people aged 7-16. Social Awareness Skills for Children comprises 15 separate chapters, each dealing with some of the classic areas - self-esteem, making friends, rules and anger. To these the author, Marianna Csoti, adds the less frequented territory of handling feelings, social safety and 'the art of gifts and compliments'. I feel sure that most people committed to enhance the social inclusion of children and young people will find something of value here - such is the exhaustive manner in which Csoti has surveyed the personal, social and health education 'curriculum'. The book is specially useful in that it provides a huge range of exercises, role-plays and so on, which teachers and others can easily adapt for their own specific purposes a volume which will surely make its mark in the literature of what will continue to be a crucial area.
ACE Bulletin
Although the tasks in the book have been designed to be worked through on a one to one basis, it would be possible to use them with a small group. Each task is sufficiently short to allow for frequent breaks within the whole session, so that the child's concentration is only needed in short bursts.
Speach, newsletter of PEACH
I highly recommend reading this book to anyone involved with achild at the advanced stages of ABA and/or 'Theory of Mind'. The book is aimed at 7-16 year olds who need help in being able to become socially aware. Throughout the book there are role play scenarios and easy to follow examples.
C., Parent Leicester
This book was just what I'd been looking for over some time to help my 8-year old with ADHD. It has helped me to approach and help him overcome his oversensitivity, extreme lack of self-esteem and his literal interpretation of words and actions. It goes right to the heart of what's needed and is the best book on this theme that I've encountered in English rather than American. I greatly admire the American approach and literature but sometimes the emphasis just doesn't fit quite right. I recommend this book for anyone wanting to give their child a head start with self awareness and confidence and social skills, whether with special needs or no difficulties - it is written for all children. Its language is without jargon and its clarity and accessibility make it easy to use for all parents.