Press Reviews
Tony Attwood, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Minds & Hearts Clinic, Australia, and author of The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome
There is an increasing number of adults who have a diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome in their mature years. This new book will help explain past experiences, provide self-understanding and give guidance as to the future. People who have recently achieved a diagnosis, family members and clinicians will find the descriptions and advice invaluable.
Wenn Lawson, psychologist, counsellor, social worker, autism advocate and author
A timely accurate resource for discovering if you fit the bill for autism. How I wish this treasure of a resource had been available during my own journey! This important guide for adults cuts to the chase. It potentially opens all the right doors.
Anita Lesko, Founder and Executive Director of the Flying High with Autism Foundation, author of Been There. Done That. Try This! and Asperger's Syndrome: When Life Hands You Lemons, Make Lemonade
Philip Wylie has captured the true essence of living with Asperger's Syndrome. Many people spend the majority of their lives wondering why they are different and never fit in. Broken relationships, loss of jobs, and being preyed upon by those that see our vulnerability and lack of assertiveness are all part of the process. In turn, we develop low self-esteem and suffer many consequences. Getting diagnosed can help turn these negatives into positives. No matter how late in life you discover that you have Asperger's, there is still room for repair. Wylie points out that receiving a diagnosis can have either positive or negative effects, and what to be prepared for in either case. Self-acceptance is the key. You are then free to embark upon a new life. Within these pages is advice for what happens next after receiving your diagnosis. Wylie helps guide you through the process, to come out seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. That light will help guide you to a better life after learning you are on the Autism Spectrum!
Mark Lever, Chief Executive, National Autistic Society
The many adults I have met who have had late diagnoses of Asperger's Syndrome are all invariably looking to meet with 'like minds', to 'compare notes' and to make sense of where they are at. The great frustration for me is that short of making personal introductions I have been unable to provide a resource such as Philip's book for them to read and consider. It is my view that his book will be an invaluable resource for those seeking such insight. Whilst the book understandably is written from Philip's point of view and is based upon his own personal experiences it is so much more than a personal story. What Philip has successfully done is to draw out the lessons and learnings from his own life to create a 'manual' not just for those adults who have had a late diagnosis, but for their partners, friends and colleagues. The book highlights how people with autism experience the world differently - and it is this different perspective that needs to be understood and celebrated rather than being ignored at best or ridiculed at worst. I would thoroughly recommend this book to all of those people who have received a late diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome.
the Goth
Asperger UnitedThe author gives a detailed breakdown and explanation of the many different feelings you are likely to have at various times, such as the frustrations of being undiagnosed, the turmoil of discovering that a diagnosis might be the explanation for your problems with life, and the anger or relief which may come when your "disability" is confirmed... If you want a book that's aimed at the majority of AU readers, or if you're looking for an explanation of how you are feeling, how you have feel, and how you might feel in future, then this could be a very useful book.