What are the best books for supporting ADHD kids and teens?

Should I get my child tested for ADHD?

You don’t need an official label to recognise your child's strengths and adapt to their needs, but for some, diagnosis can provide clarity, access to support, and strategies tailored to your child’s needs. It can also kickstart your child’s learning journey to understanding their unique brain.

Getting diagnosed is not always a quick process, and being left in limbo while you wait in the queue for the formal assessment can be a frustrating and exhausting experience. Find below a resource for bridging the gap before diagnosis and others packed with useful strategies for your ADHD children and teens.

  • No Labels Here by Eve Bent

    No Labels Here

    You may not wish to label your child out of choice, or you might simply need some practical advice from that pre-diagnosis period. Here's a resource from a parent who's been through the journey herself.

  • Step by Step Help for Children with ADHD

    This second editionof a bestselling title is a flexible six-step programme for parents and professionals supporting children with ADHD.

  • Raising an ADHD Child

    Exploring everything from how to harness hyperfocus to supporting and nourishing your child's executive functions, this is the ADHD parenting guide to always keep in your back pocket.

  • Nutrition for ADHD and Dyslexia

    With recipes, case studies and clear take-home pointers, this is an accessible, wide-ranging primer for supporting ADHD and dyslexic brain health.

How do I explain my child's diagnosis to them?

ADHD can give you some special strengths; however, it can also make some things harder. When teaching your child about their diagnosis, it’s helpful to guide them in understanding their unique ADHD, so they can recognise their own strengths and difficulties and advocate for themselves.

Look below for resources to gently explain what ADHD is and how it might affect your child in particular.

  • Packed with cute dog photos - this book is a firm JKP favourite for all ages, but particularly useful when gently introducing your child to their diagnosis.

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  • With spaces to doodle, this book talks about strengths and weaknesses you may have as an ADHD child!

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  • An illustrated book that explains aspects of ADHD to children in a positive and empowering way

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What support does my ADHD teenager need?

If you're parenting a child or teenager with ADHD, you might also have diagnosed or undiagnosed ADHD yourself. That means you’re likely looking for resources that are not only informative but also accessible and affirming.

One thing most experts agree on: providing structure is key to helping your child navigate the world as an ADHDer.

See below for some of our books well suited to teens.

  • The ADHD Teen Survival Guide

    A positive, affirming guide to teen life featuring the voices of teenagers with ADHD talking about their experiences and offering tips and strategies.

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  • The Teenage Girl's Guide to Living Well with ADHD

    The go-to guide for teenage girls with ADHD, helping them to understand their strengths.

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  • The Emotional Literacy Toolkit for ADHD

    An interactive mentoring book to help older children and teens with ADHD develop emotional literacy.

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What is the best ADHD medication for my child?

ADHD traits such as hyperactivity and focus difficulties can be managed with medication, but is it the right option for your child?

In his book below, expert Dr. Peter Hill explores the characteristics of medications such as Ritalin, Adderall, and Strattera, helping you understand their effects so you can determine the best way forward.

  • The Parents' Guide to ADHD Medicines

    This book sheds light on ADHD medicines, the differences between certain medications and their level of effectiveness, all based on scientific evidence.

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